Pictures taken by Tim Daw

Pictures taken by Tim Daw - Free To Share And Reuse - Copyright and Royalty Free

I make no claims as to their quality as they are just snaps I take with my phone's camera as I am at work.

Monday, 20 February 2012


IMAG0545.jpg by T Daw
IMAG0545.jpg, a photo by T Daw on Flickr.


1 comment:

  1. That's a good photo Tim. I must email you or facebook you some time to have a better idea of what you are now doing at Stonehenge...

    I have fond memories of Solstice visits before moving to Wiltshire, once during winter solstice when half a dozen of us huddled under a tarpaulin in our sleeping bags, all waking with dreadful headaches from the constant wind blowing throughout the night... but worth the wintry sunrise and no one else there at all.
